Wasabi Wrapped: Tying a Bow on Our Year with Our Tech Alliances

December 20, 2023By Caitlin Tindle

By now, you’ve likely heard of Spotify Wrapped – a popular marketing campaign by Spotify using data analysis to share listeners’ top artists in a given year. 2023 was an incredible year for Wasabi and our Technology Alliances.  To celebrate we’re taking a cue from Spotify and wrapping up all the best webinars, tying a bow on them and giving you the best of the best – according to you – with Wasabi Wrapped

Wasabi held over 60 webinars this year, more than 20 of those done with a Technology Alliance partner, and it’s safe to say you loved them all. We can’t tell you what type of sandwich you are based on which webinars you watched, but we can tell you that you care about cyber resiliency and security, storing your surveillance data in the cloud and learning more about cloud storage for higher education.  

How did your favorite webinars of the year stack up to the numbers? Find out which webinars made it to the top and see if you watched them all! 

Better together – presenting best in breed solutions 

Wasabi partners with top-tier Technology Alliances representing hundreds of the best applications and technologies in data management such as backup and recovery, surveillance, media and entertainment, and more. Together, we deliver simple data storage solutions with secure, predictably priced cloud storage that lowers the total ownership cost for our customers. 

Long-time partners, first-time webinars

The first category of webinars that the stats showed you loved this year: long-time partners, first-time webinar co-presenters. A few of our established partners got their feet wet with webinars and were met with great enthusiasm from our audience.  

Hanwha has been a powerhouse partner of Wasabi’s for years before finally stepping into the limelight with our first joint webinar. Hanwha and Wasabi joined together to discuss the surveillance industry's adoption of cloud storage, highlighting the value of the solution for partners, end users, and beyond. Watch the webinar to see how you can quickly and easily take advantage of a hybrid approach to video surveillance storage!   

LucidLink and Wasabi have been partnering for years to help media organizations collaborate remotely. However, this year we decided to shout about our solution from the rooftops, with a webinar sharing the benefits of our solution with the higher education industry.   

Wasabian you loved the most…. 

And the winner is…Drew Schlussel! Everyone’s favorite bourbon-drinking and cowboy hat-wearing Wasabian was the clear winner for most-attended webinars in 2023, and it’s no surprise; Drew keeps the information flowing along with the laughs (and sometimes the bourbon).   

The top webinar featuring Drew took a deep dive on Veeam’s 2023 Ransomware Report and what the top choice for your cloud storage should be to ensure top-notch cyber security, hint: It’s Wasabi! 

Second on Drew’s extensive list of popular webinars saw him sit down with Object First’s Anthony Cusimano, joking and talking about how Wasabi combined with Veeam and Object First storage to create immutable backups that stop ransomware in its tracks. There’s a theme brewing on popular webinars – ransomware is a hot topic for our listeners. 

Curiosity did NOT kill the cat 

Our webinar with MSP360 featuring cyber insurance expert Joseph Brunsman, Founder and President of Brunsman Advisory Group, along with our very own Drew Schlussel garnered the most engagement with an astounding number of questions asked during the webinar. You were curious about the best practices for lowering cyber insurance costs and mitigating ransomware – sounds like we’ll need another session with Mr. Brunsman to get all the answers!  

Sizzling summer sessions 

The heat of the summer didn’t slow Wasabi down on webinars – and it didn’t slow you down from watching! The summer heat couldn’t cool down the red-hot session of Bringing Video Surveillance to the Edge at the Intersection of IT and Security, our session with Scale Computing. The digital transformation of video surveillance is well underway. Get ahead of the curve to learn how to bring video surveillance to the edge with Wasabi and Scale Computing hyperconverged infrastructure.  

Media Distribution has been a hot topic in the Media and Entertainment industry, so it’s no surprise we spent time this summer covering this topic with our partner Imagen in our webinar How Cloud-Based Workflows are Accelerating the Future of Media Distribution. With the media distribution landscape constantly evolving, our viewers were fired up to hear the latest cloud-based delivery workflow innovations even during the summer.  

New features you couldn’t get enough of

A few of our top backup and recovery alliance partners released product updates that included some incredible new features that made their joint solution with Wasabi even better for your organizations. At the beginning of the year, Veeam released the latest version of their flagship product Veeam Backup & Replication v12 and our viewers were super excited about the new features we highlighted.  Some of these included the introduction of direct-to-cloud backup, features for cloud object storage and, best of all, Wasabi was added to the dropdown when selecting your preferred cloud storage location. These features, among many more, show that Wasabi and Veeam truly are bigger, louder and faster together! 

Not to be outdone, Veritas released Backup Exec v22.2 in the fall with some fantastic features that make it an ideal data protection solution! Immutability is critical to cyber resiliency, and you loved the option for direct-to-cloud that was now available!  

The best is yet to come in 2024! 

The end of the year tends to be a time to reflect and show gratitude for the year that’s ending. Wasabi is truly thankful for our Technology Alliance partners and the partnership they provide and the full solutions we combine to provide for you, our incredible customers. Wasabi couldn’t produce this great content – or even more importantly, these solutions – without our great Alliance partners. We can’t wait to provide you with even more informative and engaging content in 2024. 

Wasabi Wrapped: Webinar Series

Take a trip down memory lane as we share our top webinars with our partners for the year based on YOUR views, and catch up on what you missed.

Watch Now

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