Press Release

Wasabi Technologies Wins 2022 BIG Innovation Award for Wasabi Object Lock

January 12, 2022

BOSTON, MA, January 12, 2022 — Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, today announced that Wasabi Object Lock has been named a technology product winner in the 2022 BIG Innovation Awards presented by the Business Intelligence Group. This annual business awards program recognizes organizations, products, and people that are bringing new ideas to life in innovative ways.

Ransomware is one of the biggest concerns facing enterprises today, and cybercriminals attack backups and archives as part of their ransomware campaigns. With Object Lock, applications or storage administrators can designate certain data objects as immutable, meaning the content cannot be altered or deleted by any application or user including ransomware attackers or human error, for a specific period of time. It guarantees that once the information is stored with Wasabi, it will remain there until the lock expires, therefore removing the perceived vulnerability of ransomware while keeping the integrity of the data, and having the data readily available and instantly accessible. This accessibility is also critical for maintaining regulatory compliance and consumer protection standards, as well as industry-specific rules like HIPAA, FINRA, and CJIS for securing and preserving electronic records, transactional data, and activity logs. 

Object Lock was designed to work seamlessly within Wasabi’s industry-leading price and performance model featuring no fees for egress or API requests. Not only do users know their data is protected with Wasabi, they also have the flexibility to test business continuity and incident response to strengthen their cybersecurity posture amidst today’s ever-evolving risks. It also further enhances Wasabi’s holistic commitment to data security, including 11x9s of data durability, strong identity & multi-factor authentication, and regulatory compliance with the latest privacy and security standards.

“Ransomware attacks have hit a record high and have shown no indication of decreasing any time soon. Cyber criminals will always find a way to get in, so it’s best to leverage cloud storage and backup to securely mitigate the effects rather than waste time and money on intrusion prevention and detection technology,” said David Friend, Co-Founder and CEO of Wasabi Technologies. “Object Lock provides a critical layer of protection during these high risk times. Not only do users know their data is protected with Wasabi, they also have the flexibility to test business continuity and incident response to strengthen their cybersecurity posture.”

“Innovation is driving growth in the global economy,” said Maria Jimenez, chief operating officer of the Business Intelligence Group. “We are thrilled to be honoring Wasabi as they are one of the organizations leading this charge and helping humanity progress.”

Organizations from across the globe submitted their recent innovations for consideration in the BIG Innovation Awards. Nominations were then judged by a select group of business leaders and executives who volunteer their time and expertise to score submissions.

About Wasabi Technologies

Wasabi provides simple, predictable and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses all over the world. It enables organizations to store and instantly access an unlimited amount of data at 1/5th the price of the competition with no complex tiers or unpredictable egress fees. Trusted by tens of thousands of customers worldwide, Wasabi has been recognized as one of technology’s fastest-growing and most visionary companies. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi has secured nearly $275 million in funding to date and is a privately held company based in Boston.

Follow and connect with Wasabi on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and our blog.

Media Contact

Kaley Carpenter

Inkhouse for Wasabi

About Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, these programs are judged by business executives having experience and knowledge. The organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and then rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.

Media Contact

Maria Jimenez

Chief Operating Officer

Business Intelligence Group

+1 (909) 529-2737