Press Release

Wasabi Honored as Coolest Cloud Vendor by CRN®

February 5, 2018

BOSTON, February 5, 2018 – Wasabi, the hot storage company that delivers revolutionary cloud storage offering price and performance advantages over Amazon S3 and traditional on-premises storage, announced today that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Wasabi to its 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors of 2018 list. This annual lineup recognizes the most innovative cloud technology suppliers in each of five categories: infrastructure, platforms and development, security, storage and software.


The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors are selected by the CRN editorial team for their creativity and innovation in product development, the quality of their services and partner programs, and their demonstrated ability to help customers benefit from the ease of use, flexibility, scalability and budgetary savings that cloud computing offers.


In addition to recognizing cloud technology suppliers for outstanding products and services, 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors serves as a valuable guide for solution providers trying to navigate the cloud market. The list aids prospective channel partners in identifying the vendors that can best help them improve or expand their cloud services.

Wasabi was chosen for the list based on its disruptive value proposition which offers the industry’s most affordable cloud storage solution (1/5th the price of Amazon S3) with no data tiers, highest performance capability (6x faster than Amazon S3), and unrivaled data protection including 11 9’s durability and data immutability that protects data from being erased or altered. Wasabi’s vision is to commoditize cloud storage, making it affordable and easy to use, like electricity and bandwidth.

“Cloud computing is now an integral part of doing business, and demand for solution providers who can deliver sophisticated, cloud-based technologies and services is at an all-time high,” said Bob Skelley, CEO, The Channel Company. “CRN’s annual list of 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors helps channel partners meet this unprecedented demand by identifying top vendors who can help them grow and evolve their cloud businesses. We congratulate all the companies on our 2018 list for establishing themselves as leaders in this essential technology area.”

“Wasabi was founded on the vision of making cloud storage a simple, affordable and reliable utility,” said David Friend, CEO, Wasabi. “We’re honored to be recognized on this prestigious list because we’ve enabled a model that unlocks the true ROI and performance potential of cloud storage. Wasabi changes the game for channel partners by providing them with a disruptive cloud storage solution that transforms their cloud offering into a compelling solution that can accelerate their customers move to the cloud.”

The new 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors list will be featured in the February 2018 issue of CRN and online at


About Wasabi

Wasabi is the hot storage company that delivers fast, low-cost, and reliable cloud storage. Wasabi hot storage is 1/5th the price and 6x the speed of Amazon S3. We hate vendor lock-in, so we made Wasabi 100% compatible with Amazon S3. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi is on a mission to commoditize the storage industry. Wasabi is a privately held company based in Boston, Mass. Follow Wasabi on Twitter at

©2018 Wasabi Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. WASABI and the WASABI Logo are trademarks of Wasabi Technologies, Inc. and may not be used without permission of Wasabi Technologies, Inc. All other brand names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective holder(s).


About the Channel Company

The Channel Company enables breakthrough IT channel performance with our dominant media, engaging events, expert consulting and education, and innovative marketing services and platforms. As the channel catalyst, we connect and empower technology suppliers, solution providers and end users. Backed by more than 30 years of unequaled channel experience, we draw from our deep knowledge to envision innovative new solutions for ever-evolving challenges in the technology marketplace.


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Kel & Partners
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The Channel Company

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The Channel Company

(508) 416-1195


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