Executive team

Jeff Flowers

CTO & Co-founder

Jeff Flowers

Jeff Flowers is the co-founder and CTO of Wasabi. Together with David Friend he has started, built and sold five successful technology companies. Most recently, they co-founded Carbonite, one of the world’s leading cloud backup companies. Carbonite backs up hundreds of millions of new files every day using technology that Jeff and David’s team created. It was their shared vision for a next generation cloud storage architecture that gave birth to Wasabi hot cloud storage. Jeff holds an M.S. and a B.S. in information and computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology.

“All the world’s data — photos, movies, medical images, genomes, IoT, you name it — must get stored somewhere and nobody, including the Big 3, is doing a particularly good job at it. It’s a simple product, a simple business model, and really simple pricing. Everyone needs to store data, so everyone is a potential Wasabi customer. What an amazing opportunity!” says Flowers.

Jeff is on the Board of Trustees of the Walnut Hill School, an arts high school that is a feeder to Julliard, the New England Conservatory, the Boston Ballet, and other top arts institutions.