Wasabi & Komprise Optimize Cloud Costs for Enterprise Customers

March 12, 2024

The year 2024 is likely to be a hot year for enterprise cloud spending, after 12 months of more conservative spending and talk of cloud repatriation. Those fears have been assuaged as major cloud vendors, including Wasabi Technologies, unveiled more choices for customers, tools and offerings to support cloud cost optimization needs and a flurry of innovations meeting widespread marketplace demands for AI and cybersecurity. 

Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage is simple, fast, and affordable cloud object storage—a super alternative for customers that have been burned by large cloud bills. Wasabi features no additional fees for egress or API calls: it’s straightforward pricing across a single tier of highly secure, low-latency storage. This makes Wasabi the ideal storage target for a wide variety of use cases, from active archives to offsite backups, to hybrid cloud storage. 

Komprise and Wasabi have partnered over the last several years to help businesses slash storage costs and keep data safe and always available. Komprise is an unstructured data management and mobility solution that lets you automatically find cold data across network attached storage (NAS) and archive it transparently to the Wasabi cloud.    

Together, the integrated solution allows companies to:  

  • Seamlessly move cold data to Wasabi 

  • Free up primary storage capacity

  • Shrink backup windows 

  • Better align storage costs with data value 

  • Avoid disruption to file-based users and applications

Medical group cuts costs and backup time with Wasabi + Komprise 

District Medical Group of Arizona was seeking relief from its high storage bills and slow backup processes when it decided to work with both Wasabi and Komprise. “We needed a product which could quickly identify cold data and push it to offsite storage but still easily pull it back into our environment if somebody needed access. We also wanted to reduce backup times so that other processes could run and shrink our onsite storage,” said DMG’s CIO Kevin Rhode. The full case study is available here. 

Rhode chose Wasabi because of its ability to flexibly configure buckets with certain date ranges and because Wasabi doesn’t charge egress fees to recall data back into its data center.  

He selected Komprise Intelligent Data Management to analyze its data and move cold data to Wasabi as the offsite storage target. In Wasabi, the storage team segments archived data into buckets for each year, up to 10 years. Once data has exceeded DMG’s retention policy of 10 years, it is deleted. 

“We love how Komprise incorporates symlinks, which means we still have access to the moved files on our network,” Rhodes said. “The fact that we could drastically reduce the footprint on our file servers was the other main selling point of Komprise.”  

Wasabi and Komprise are helping the nonprofit medical group save $100,000 over three years and achieve 75% faster backup processes, all while ensuring fast access to archived files without egress fees.  

Ivy league ditches tape archives with Wasabi + Komprise  

The University needed to move away from physical tape archives which were not scalable and were difficult to maintain and upgrade. With the cloud as its ideal target, the University chose an archive solution consisting of Komprise and Wasabi cloud object storage. Komprise tiers the cold data to Wasabi to free up the university’s on-premises servers. “Wasabi is a backup target for basically any data within the university,” explained Steve DeGroat, the university’s manager of enterprise storage. “Departments can utilize a bucket to archive whatever they want with read/write capabilities.” 

With Wasabi, we pay one-quarter of what we used to because there’s one flat rate for everything; there are no ingress or egress charges to access our data. Wasabi does one thing and does it well: best-of-breed cloud storage

Steve DeGroat, manager of enterprise storage, Ivy League University

Read the full case study here. 

Key benefits of Komprise for Wasabi customers 

Komprise delivers out of the box analysis which means you can quickly identify cold data across all your NAS storage and easily archive it to Wasabi. You can also: 

  • Gain insights into file and object data usage and data growth across your storage environment to make more informed decisions for its management;  

  • Model cost savings of different tiering plans to Wasabi; 

  • Migrate data intelligently to Wasabi to maximize cost savings and ensure that only the most active data resides on Tier 1 storage; 

  • Avoid user and application disruption from moved data. Komprise patented Transparent Move Technology (TMT) shows files in the same location as before, with no changes to the user experience; 

  • Always have cloud-native data access, avoiding expensive rehydrating costs and letting users leverage all the services and tools in the cloud. 

Together, Wasabi and Komprise offer a solution that gives storage teams the ability to handle today’s massive scale of data, using intelligent automation. Wasabi provides secure, scalable, durable, and low-cost solutions for data storage. Komprise was built from the ground up with no centralized bottlenecks—no agents, static stubs, or central servers that limit scalability. Komprise handles scale-out by allowing companies to add more virtual appliances as the amount of data managed grows. Using Komprise and Wasabi is the smart answer to address organizations’ data growth challenges. 

See more information on the Wasabi and Komprise integration

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