Why Wasabi: Louise Prudente's Sales Enablement Journey

October 27, 2022By Lily McIntyre

Next in our #WhyWasabi series is Louise Prudente, Wasabi’s Sales Enablement Manager. Having joined Wasabi in 2022, Louise focuses on developing and implementing a global onboarding program for Wasabi’s new sales hires. She hopes to foster a culture of continuous learning and mentorship.

Lily McIntyre: What were you doing before joining Wasabi?

Louise Prudente: Before joining Wasabi, I was previously on the agency side. My experience was primarily in client services and developing marketing strategies, but as I moved into management roles, I became more involved in the agency’s onboarding, training, and organizational process development.

LM: How did your college experience prepare you for the work that you do now?

LP: Candidly, I was a lost college student who had no idea what I wanted to do. I changed majors three times. I tried to find internships and part-time jobs in different industries - marketing, fundraising (read: cold-calling), events, public relations, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and hospitality - to figure out where I wanted to start my career. Despite not knowing what I wanted to do at the time, I was lucky that Michigan State University (GO GREEN!) offered a variety of opportunities to explore my interests, pick up a variety of skills, and get exposure to different types of workforces.

LM: Describe your professional journey so far.

LP: I’ve had the privilege of joining organizations in their early stages and growing professionally alongside them. I started in event marketing at an entertainment consultation and management services agency, moved to a business-to-business media and events management firm, shifted to client services roles at a digital marketing agency, and finally to an integrated healthcare agency. In each position, I was given opportunities to lead events, own client accounts, grow my teams, coach new hires, and even build a new business unit that turned into a full-blown reorganization. My managers and mentors exposed me to many different roles and responsibilities to help me figure out where I wanted to take my career. Two things always remained consistent: my love of process and training.

LM: Can you describe the importance of mentorship in your career?

LP: I genuinely do not think I would be where I am without the help of my mentors from college, past organizations, and at Wasabi. I’ve been fortunate to have mentors that don’t just care about the role I was in at the time but also my overall wellness and professional growth. They all shared common traits of being both caring but also candid. They were upfront about my areas of improvement, pushed me to challenge myself when I was reluctant or lacking confidence, and balanced advice with letting me figure things out for myself.

LM: How has working at Wasabi helped enable you to succeed professionally?

LP: In the ten months I’ve been at Wasabi, I’ve received many opportunities to own projects and processes and even start growing my team. I owe it to my manager, Lindsey Kenny, for having support and faith in me. She’s given me the opportunities and confidence to make sales enablement my own and take on challenges I may otherwise shy away from.

LM: What advice would you give younger women just entering the workforce?

LP: Own Your Confidence: Speak up when you have opinions and ideas. Trust yourself when making decisions and taking action. But also… Give Yourself Grace: We are often our harshest critics and are sometimes harder on ourselves than our managers are. When you do make a mistake, look at it as a learning experience and use this as an opportunity to do it 100 times better. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself.

LM: What do you love about working at Wasabi?

LP: The people. Some of my favorite days have been in the office with my Sales Ops team. We have a very collaborative, hardworking team that knows how to Get! Stuff! Done! I work with many different departments in my role and constantly learn more about the industry, our products, and business. technology.

LM: Describe your team in three words or less.

LP: Supportive, scrappy, and conscientious.

LM: Cloud storage could seem boring to some; what keeps you excited and motivated in this industry?

LP: Wasabi has a unique take on cloud storage. Our marketing is light, fun, and quirky, which stands apart from others in the industry. Our focus is on “just one thing,” which makes it easy to educate others and understand.

LM: Who are your professional heroes?

LP: My mom is my hero in all aspects. She is one of the hardest-working individuals I’ve ever seen. My mother immigrated to the United States in her early 20s to care for my grandparents, who had come to the states earlier. My father wasn’t able to get a visa at the same time, so she provided for her parents and me independently. Because she hadn’t finished college and due to being an immigrant, this gave her limited career options to pursue. She worked long hours at factories and drugstores to support us, which set her back from being able to complete her nursing degree but didn’t stop her from pursuing a career in healthcare and eventually getting her degree. As a young immigrant mother, she overcame many barriers and obstacles but successfully raised and sent three children to college. Her motivation and selflessness guide my decisions. I hope to provide for my family just as well as she did.

LM: You live in Boston. What’s your favorite thing about living here?

LP: I love Boston’s “small, big city” feel. I grew up in Michigan and fell in love with Boston when I visited as a 7th grader. I’ve always loved the mix of history, modern architecture, and walkability. The seafood and craft beer scene doesn’t hurt, either! Keep up with Louise and Wasabi!

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