Press Release

Aparavi Joins Wasabi’s Certified Partner Ecosystem

November 15, 2017

Aparavi today announced that its secure open format software-as-a-service platform has been certified for use with Wasabi’s hot storage service through the company’s Performance and Certification Team (PACT). The combination of Aparavi and Wasabi ensures that joint users lower their cloud storage costs, increase their storage performance and allow them to focus on applications that drive greater business value.

Wasabi is designed for individuals and organizations that require a high-performance, reliable and secure data storage infrastructure at minimal cost. When used with Aparavi, users can dynamically select Wasabi from within the Aparavi SaaS platform itself to quickly and easily meet compliance regulations and gain long-term data protection within a single cloud repository or as part of a multi-cloud storage architecture. Furthermore, Aparavi’s cloud-active data pruning automatically removes files from Wasabi’s cloud-based object storage that are no longer needed based on policy conditions to further reduce storage requirements over time and significantly lower recurring costs.

“The cloud storage market is poised to deliver exceptional value by enabling organizations to maximize the power and purpose of their business data to achieve better results that will lead to increased profitability,” said Jim Donovan, Vice President of Product at Wasabi. “Partnering with technology providers like Aparavi helps us to better deliver on the promise of cloud storage by making it more affordable, faster, and easier to use than traditional storage infrastructures or conventional cloud storage platforms. The combination of our two solutions provides long-term data retention at the market-best price and performance, enabling our customers to do more with less.”

Aparavi’s three-tiered architecture enables the company’s patented technologies to scale between local and cloud storage, minimally impacting workload while balancing network and bandwidth concerns. Multi-Cloud Agile Retention allows organizations to use one cloud today and to switch to another at any point with no interruption or migration necessary. Point-in-Time recovery protection seamlessly recovers data from any combination of local or cloud storage based on the date and time the data was protected without having to worry about where the data is. Aparavi’s open data format enables other tools to read data with or without the Aparavi platform to prevent any complications with long-term recovery.

“Part of the value of our SaaS solution is helping organizations choose the right place at the right price to safeguard their business-critical data regardless of whether that’s on-premise or across clouds,” said Adrian Knapp, Chairman of Aparavi.  “Certifying Aparavi as compatible with Wasabi helps us fulfill that mandate by ensuring that data is safely stored and accessible when and where it is needed. We are pleased to be welcomed into the Wasabi partner ecosystem and look forward to providing Wasabi users with the best tool to overcome long-term data retention issues facing both traditional and multi-cloud architectures today.”

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Aparavi is software-as-a-service for compliance-burdened companies with a desire for “any-cloud” data retention. Its cloud-forward solution puts the power back into the right hands with a RESTful API, policy engine, alongside an open data format, and a multi-tenant architecture. Its purpose-built technology will, over time, greatly reduce an organization’s storage footprint compared to more traditional methods, while ensuring compliance policies are upheld for decades to come. The company believes that with evolving global regulations and more data than ever being generated, organizations need long-term data retention across modern, multi-cloud architectures. For more information visit

About Wasabi

Wasabi is the hot storage company that delivers fast, low-cost, and reliable cloud storage. Wasabi hot storage is 1/5th the price and 6x the speed of Amazon S3. We hate vendor lock-in, so we made Wasabi 100% compatible with Amazon S3. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi is on a mission to commoditize the storage industry, making cloud storage a common utility like electricity. Wasabi is a privately held company based in Boston, MA. Follow Wasabi on Twitter at @wasabi_cloud.